Us and Them - Genre Reflection #2
Us and Them It’s not the academics that keep them going, nor the good grades, nor the promise of praise; It’s not the weary will of their teachers, tending to texts that they hope inspire them. It’s the humanity of it all. The cold reality of 23 years of jail time and a boy becoming a man alone. The outrage of justice miscarried (one of the many corruptions that we live with) . The way he stifles his cries over the phone knowing the carelessness that caused his incarceration. And the tragedy of a life lost of a confident young girl who will never grow old, never see her family, never warm them with a smile. It’s the knowledge that these are real people suffering death, sorrow, and shame all over again; now, at the mercy of millions. They ask: “Is he still in jail, Miss? How old was he?” “He was about your age. From 17 to 40, he’s been in there.” “Will he ever get out?” “Maybe. Maybe not.” “But M...